Leader Training

Troop leaders leaders and other volunteers must complete a number of required training courses. Volunteers should document their progress using this form:
Volunteer Learning Completion Record.

Girl Scouts 101
A 45-minute, self-paced, online video orientation to Girl Scouts. Required in the first six months for all troop leaders and other volunteers.

Lodge Camp Training
At least one troop leader or troop assistant must complete 4-hour classroom training session prior to reserving a council lodge or other indoor camp facility. Sign up for this training in eBiz or submit this form to the Council office.
Prerequisite: Read the Troop Trip and Overnight Planning Manual.

Troop Camp Training
At least one troop leader or troop assistant must complete this training prior to reserving a Council lodge or other indoor camp facility. Training consists of a 4-hour classroom session followed by a 1-day session at camp.  Sign up for this training in eBbiz or submit this form to the Council office.
Prerequisite: Read the Troop Trip and Overnight Planning Manual and complete Lodge Camp Training.

First Aid / CPR Training
Unless a nurse (RN/LPN), certified emergency medical technician, or doctor accompanies the troop for camping or another outing, at least one troop leader or assistant must be certified in Adult/Child CPR and Standard First Aid. Certification can be obtained through several local community organizations such as the American Red Cross, fire department, etc.  Certification records must be provided to council staff on request. The cost of a course at The American Red Cross is $85.

Transporting Girls
Any leader or other volunteer who will be transporting girl scouts must review this document:
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Transporting Girls Handout

Troop Financial Management
Troop leaders and troop assistants that serve as signers on the bank account, act as a troop treasurer, or support product sales as "cookie moms" or by working at booths must complete:

Cookie Sale / Fall Product Training
Troop leaders and troop assistants that serve as signers on the bank account, act as a troop treasurer, or support product sales as "cookie moms" or by working at booths must complete:

How to Sign Up for Training in eBiz
  1. In your browser, go to http://www.gswo.org.
  2. Click the eBiz link at top right.
  3. Log in to eBiz.
  4. Click the Activities tab.
  5. Under "Refine Your Results," click Learning & Training.
  6. Click the heading of the class you want and proceed with registration.
If you do not have an eBiz account, you can register for one online. This tutorial describes the process.